2024 Business Supporters

Thank you to our supporters for their generosity and contributions that allow GFBF to continue to provide help, hope, and healing beyond the burn.

Learn about our Business Supporter program

Chief Level


Georgia Fire Sprinklers Association

Learn more at https://georgiafiresprinkler.org/

Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs

Learn more at https://www.gafc.org/

Georgia State Firefighters Association

Learn more at https://www.gsffa.org/

Captain Level


Silent Events

Learn more at www.silentevents.com

Lieutenant Level


Learn about our Business Supporter program

Firefighter Level


Decatur Fire Rescue

Learn more at www.decaturga.com/fire

Friend Level


Higginbotham & Associates Insurance Agency

Learn more at www.higginbothamins.com

Palmetto Automatic Sprinkler Company Inc. (PASCO)

Learn more at www.pasco-inc.com

AllSouth Sprinkler Company

Learn more at www.allsouthsprinkler.com

SuperHero Fire Protection

Learn more at www.superherofireprotection.com

Georgia State Firefighters Association (GSFA)

Learn more at www.gsffa.org

575 F.O.O.L.S

Learn more at 575fools.square.siteler.com

Learn about our Business Supporter program