Become a Business Supporter
Why Support
Programs are provided at no cost to burn survivors and their families. It is only through the dedication and contributions of Georgia’s fire service, generous donors, outstanding volunteers and the local business community that the GFBF can accomplish its’ mission. Your support provides the critically needed funding to ensure burn survivors can be served.
As a Business Supporter your organization:
We’re Committed
Unfortunately, the devastating effects of fire has touched countless lives over the years, and it is also understood that fire occurrences will continue to cause property loss, trauma, injury and death; in addition to the emotional and psychological toll on individuals and families. In response to this sad reality, GFBF remains committed to reaching more people and having an even greater impact in the years to come, so no one ever feels alone on their journey of recovery.
In response to COVID-19, the foundation has had to reimagine programming by pivoting onto the virtual environment while maintaining effectiveness and impact; beginning with the launch of “GFBF Talks”, an online webinar series and distance online support groups.
All Business Supporters receive:
Promotion to GFBF’s constituency showcasing support including the fire service, burn survivors, and medical community
Company logo and link on GFBF sponsor website listing
Social media alignment
Annual Support Levels
Up to
Become a Business Supporter by making a donation with a credit card or bank transfer online or contact McKenzy Williams to be invoiced for payment.
GFBF is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your paid donation receipt as your official record for tax purposes.